Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What a busy day!
Our day began with some sorting activities.

Miss Kathy decided to make a mess again, in the afternoon, and we had to complete 2 big sorts. First, we sorted by color and then
we re-sorted by type of object.

We went to a special room today to have our vision checked. We named pictures of varying sizes, instead of letters. There was an apple, a house and an umbrella.  We also had our height and weight recorded, too.

We needed to get a little movement before we could sit down to work!
 Can you move your ribbons fast and slow?

Miss Melani brought a great shape obstacle course for us! We always look forward to Wednesday obstacle courses!


In the morning we all made our very own Mat Man. We did some cutting, glueing and arranging of body parts. We talked about the parts at the top, middle and bottom of our bodies! We can bring our Mat Man home tomorrow when the glue is dry. I am always amazed at how each childs' personality shines in their art work, even when we use the exact same materials!

In the afternoon, half of us worked on making a book about a shape family. The other half shared an ABC book with Miss Kathy. We will flip groups on Friday.


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