Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday Fun!
We worked our fingers this morning! We pulled pennies and small beads from the putty. Then we put the pennies in a penny bank and strung the beads on a pipe cleaner. Our fingers warmed right up!

The afternoon began by working with friends to match and order the capital letters of the alphabet. We reviewed the concepts of beginning, middle and end. We also tried to figure out what letter is next. Nice team work!
We sang the alphabet song and the blue song. We listened, with our ears,
 to sounds you might hear at home. We identified a knock on the door,
 a baby crying, a person coughing and a dog barking. It's important
 to use our ears to listen carefully.

We practiced our motor skill today. We walked on a line, with one foot in front of the other. The morning class is really working on being in a line and following a leader in a line. The afternoon class got pretty fancy as they
walked and jumped on the line!

MIss Kathy shared a book about a mouse that liked red strawberries. But, he had to be carefull because bears like strawberries, too.
What excitement in the room as we played with the big parachute! We listened carefully as Miss Kathy gave directions. FUN!!

Miss Elaine brought a fun game with monkeys, a tree and tongs!

The morning class found a red rock crayon and colored a strawberry 
 for the little mouse.

In the afternoon, the kids were very excited to receive their very own school book!! We will use this book throughout the year to help us learn about the letters of the alphabet and to write capital letters. This workbook is a piece of the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum, which I LOVE!

The morning class had some time to play. We had a new toy today...
The rocker boat!

We enjoyed some crackers and juicy, cool grapes for snack!