Friday, September 19, 2014

We began our day having FUN!
We had new sensory tubs in the morning! in the afternoon we
 added indoor play, a trike and wagon!



We had such fun sensory tubs today that some of the big kids at school stopped by to play with us!

At circle, we sang our ABC's, did some shape naming and matching, some name work and we were introduced to the next color song. This color had some caterpillars and grasshoppers.
Can you guess our new color?
We practiced naming some color objects by saying a complete sentence.

We practiced all of our motor skills today. We can balance on one foot, jump both feet off the floor and walk, jump and sidestep on a line.
 I wonder what new skill we will work on next week...

Miss Kathy shared a story about a teeny, tiny mouse. He names all the different color things in his teeny, tiny house.
Miss Julie brought a fun guessing game for the morning. There was a teeny, tiny mouse that hid behind a colored house. We had to guess where he was by asking a question with a color word in it. It was hard not to peek when the mouse was hiding himself!

In the afternoon, Miss Kathy worked with her Friday group, on correct pencil grasp, with a scribble stop page in our school books.

Miss Julie had a sequencing game for her Friday group.
It was a FUN FRIDAY, and a fun week, learning with our friends!
Happy Trails until we meet again!

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