Thursday, September 11, 2014

 Today we...
 started with warming up our fingers by string beads and building
 with the small wooden blocks!

At circle, the morning class sang the ABC's, the yellow song and the
shape song. In the afternoon we did a quick calendar and sang a
 song about how to form numerals.

We worked our large motor skills by walking the line. We are starting to get the hang of side stepping. We had fun dancing slow and fast, with the scarves.
Miss Kathy shared a story about a mouse that wanted a new house. He looked inside all kinds of holes until he found one that was just right.


The morning class had fun sponge painting some
big and little shapes in very pretty colors.

In the afternoon we each got 10 little mice. We worked on giving each mouse a number, from 1-10. Tricky!!


It was another fun day at school!

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