Thursday, April 9, 2015

Things were buzzing here today!
We made some buzzing bees, to add to our growing garden, when we arrived.
We had to listen carefully to the directions.

First, put your name on the paper..
Next, put glue all over the body and put the small yellow squares on the bee's body.

Then, put glue on the skinny, black rectangles and glue them on the body.

After you glue the circle head on the top, crinkle up the wax paper wings.
Finally, open them up and attach them with tape.
Your bees look great!

Final product from the afternoon class. It is hanging in the hallway, just outside of our classroom.

This is the final product from the morning class. It is hanging inside our room.
The morning class sang their learning songs and worked on answering the following questions: What is your name? How old are you?

This afternoon the children each took a turn pointing to each
month and "reading" the months in order.
I was very surprised and pleased!!!

The morning class learned about what butterflies do each day. They rest at night, drink water from puddles, sip flower nectar and fly away!

The afternoon class listened to another science book. It gave us lots of information about ladybugs. The kids were happy to know that our ladybugs were set free last night in Miss Kathy's oleander bushes, where there are
lots of aphids for them to eat.

Free choice time was met with smiles in the morning!

Hang in there, baby!

The afternoon class rotated through two centers. In Miss Cindy's center, they connected the dots, from 1 to 10, to see what insect they could make.
In Miss Pam's center, they used picture clues to figure out the
name of some very interesting looking insects.
We were as busy as bees today!

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