Tuesday, October 21, 2014

 Happy Day!!
Everyone was happy to return to school
to be with our friends!
(If you want to see a larger version of a picture, simply click on it.)
We started our day with outside play time!
What better way to begin our week!


At circle time, we sang many of our favorite songs. The afternoon calendar expanded a bit, with the addition of learning the days of the week!

Miss Kathy shared a book about some bats. The story reminded us of the Five Little Monkeys that jumped on the bed.
We learned that bats are awake at night. Bats are not birds. They have
furry bodies and no feathers. Bat wings are like hands,
 but there is skin growing between their fingers. 
We also practiced counting with bats. The afternoon class practiced ordinal numbers and played a game of "What's missing?"

Next, everyone got some bats of their own. We wrote our names, one letter on each bat, then colored and cut the bats apart. The afternoon class didn't get to the cutting today. We used them like a puzzle to spell our names. Some of us can order our letters all by ourselves and other used a model. This would be fun, and helpful, to practice at home, too!


Another fun day learning with our friends!

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