Friday, November 22, 2013

Where is that turkey?
Our day began with some coloring. We had some tiny turkeys to color. In the afternoon, we also colored 10 little Indians & wrote our names.



We sang our circle songs and completed calendar activities. We sang a silly name rhyme song about a turkey that sat on each of us and we also sang about 10 little Indian boys and 10 little pilgrim girls.

We helped the turkey hide from the farmer with Miss Julie. We hid him in, on, behind and next to the barn or silo. The farmer could not find the turkey so he decided to have a grilled cheese sandwich for
thanksgiving dinner!



The afternoon class learned to write a capital "C" in our school books.

In the morning Miss Kathy shared a story about thanksgiving. In the afternoon we had a story about the pilgrims at Plymouth.

We enjoyed some free choice play time, too!

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