Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Community Helpers
We began the day strengthening our fine motor and visual-perception skills, with beads and thera-putty. We all enjoy these activities!


At circle, the morning class sang their favorite learning songs. We also practiced some counting to 10 with the rhythm sticks.

We completed the calendar in the afternoon. We worked on identifying and writing the numerals to 10. We used our "magic writing finger" to write the numerals on the rug.
We loved exploring how scarves feel and move, as we danced The Freeze.


Miss Melani led our Yoga class today. We are really getting good with our poses. In the afternoon, we had to move Yoga out in the hallway because one of our friends got sick :(. Everyone demonstrated compassion and flexibility.

Miss Melani also had a tricky obstacle course for us to challenge our balance.

In the morning, Miss Kathy shared a short video about community helpers and then Miss Julie had a fun app on an I-pad
for us to explore community helper tools and uniforms.
 Everyone was excited to take a turn. The afternoon class will try it next time.

There were a few minutes to play in the kitchen this morning. Everyone was surprised to see a new doll stroller! One friend enjoyed hanging clothes and hats on a clothesline. It is tricky!!

My baby sister wears baby clothes!
It was another fun day learning with our friends!

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