Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Turkey time is close...
We started our day with a fun sensory, writing experience. We wrote in
shaving cream. In the morning we imitated horizontal & vertical
 lines, circles and we even tried triangles. Some students wrote
            their name in the shaving cream. In the afternoon we practiced
different letters


 We worked on name writing in the afternoon, too.

We sang our morning songs and completed calendar.

Miss Kathy shared a story about some silly turkeys. We practiced
counting to 10 & identifying numerals. The afternoon class had
to discover which number was missing.


Miss Elaine showed us a fun way to make a turkey picture. We traced our hands! We picked out some pretty feathers to glue on our turkey. We also used scissors to cut out the turkeys. We thought they would look great decorating your, or Grandma's, refrigerator Thursday.

We had fun moving our bodies through the tunnel and jumping up
 & down on the mini-trampoline.

Kitchen & block time is always a favorite!

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