Thursday, November 21, 2013

What do turkeys do?
We began our day exploring shapes. What shape do you have? What color is it? What can you make with shapes?

"I made a snowman."
"I made a rocket."

"I made water."

"I made a pile!"
We continue to practice writing our names in the afternoon.

We sang our morning circle songs. We completed the calendar in the afternoon. Miss Kathy sang a new song...and a turkey sat on us!
She sang our names with a rhyme. It was silly!

We had a birthday queen today!
She chose a friend to help her decorate her crown!
We read a poster that showed and told us some things that a turkeys do. Did you know that turkeys like to take dust baths? Silly turkeys!
It was fun to have free writing time today. In the morning we focused on holding our rock crayon or marker correctly and imitating vertical & horizontal lines and circles. We also wrote our names. In the afternoon we drew a picture, named the picture and wrote the letter that we heard at the
beginning of the word.

We made sure that we could get outside to play today in case the weather prediction of rain tomorrow is correct.

Birthday treats!

It seems that we are having many students arriving late. Please, do your best to get your child to class on time. Our day is so short, we don't want to miss a minute! Thank you.

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