Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We took a Terrific Trip to the post office today!
We started our day warming up our fingers for letter writing. We used beads and cubes. In the afternoon class, we also practiced writing our names.


Working hard to create...

... a spaceship!

Working hard to write my name...

...and I am SO proud!
The morning class sang the alphabet song. The afternoon class
completed the calendar.


 We all had fun bringing back an old favorite...mat man!



We watched a short video about how a letter travels from the writer, through the post office and gets delivered.
We made a nice letter for our families. We drew a picture of ourselves and signed the letter. Then we folded our letter and fit it into an envelope. Next we addressed and stamped it. We put it into the mailbox and then it was delivered to our backpacks. We hope you like getting our letters!


We enjoyed movement time. We worked our large muscles on the mini trampoline, the rocker boat/stairs and the balance rope.