Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What hat do you wear?
When we arrived at school this morning, we had fun with puzzles.
The afternoon class played pass the beanbag.

At circle we sang the ABC's, the shape song and the orange song.
The afternoon class liked using the dog alphabet page. We really will focus on using this to help our print concepts (top to bottom and left to right, one letter at a time). We are practicing touching under each letter as we say it. It was funny when we heard a song about how dogs sing the alphabet, too!

The afternoon kids helped teach the calendar.

Today we started a unit on community helpers. Miss Kathy read a book about the kinds of clothes that people wear for their jobs. We used the picture and word clues to try to guess "Who?" wears the clothes and hats.
 Then we had fun taking turns playing a guessing game to
find the little cat that was hiding under different hats.
Little cat, little cat,
Are you under a hat?

It was fun working our bodies to improve our strength and coordination. We scooted, crawled and played ball.


Miss Elaine had us try to move some cotton balls in some unusual ways...
We squeezed a baister and blew with our mouths to move the
cotton balls across the table.

Happy Birthday to the birthday king!!
He picked a special friend to help decorate his crown.

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