Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our exciting day...
We began our day working our large muscles to rock the boat, ride the tricycle, ride in and pull the wagon!

The kids in the afternoon also worked as a team to build a road and drive the little cars on the road.

After circle & calendar, Miss Kathy read a book about a very noisy, but friendly, lion cub, that was looking for a friend to play. He was so loud the other animals were afraid of him. We talked about how some people might be afraid of loud people, too.

We got our wiggles out with some parachute play. It is important to be a good listener with parachute play, so we can play safely.

The morning class worked on their counting skills using keys!

The afternoon class worked on the letter "L". We started by playing a mystery game. We had to feel the wooden pieces in a peeking! We all were successful in identifying which wooden piece was in the bag. We then used a big line and a little line to build a capital "L". Everyone made beautiful letters in their school books!

Delicious bananas for snack...

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! They look like they are having a blast. :-)
