Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How many buttons are you wearing today?
We enjoyed some time to read books when we arrived at school today!

At circle, the morning class was introduced to a new color
 We also sang the alphabet song.

 The afternoon class completed the calendar and a question of the day.
How many buttons are you wearing today?

We had fun shaking our sillies out with Raffi.
Then Miss Kathy shared a book about CAT.
We had to find out cat's favorite color.

Miss Melani came to do yoga with us today.

Miss Julie had a fun follow up lesson about buttons. We each got a jacket (like Toad had in the story from last week). Then we had to listen carefully and look closely to find the right button that Miss Julie described. We glued them onto the jacket from the top to the bottom.

The morning class had kitchen time!
The afternoon class practiced writing their names and making
a beautiful picture.
It's a motorcycle!

It's my family!

It's a tiger!
Bananas & Wheat Thins for snack!

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