Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday is wonderful!
It is always fun to start our day by exploring in the sensory tubs. We played in rice, beans, moon sand and kinetic sand. The afternoon kids also got to build with the Lego's.


We had turns to practice our cutting skills in the morning and we worked on name writing in the afternoon.

The morning class sang the ABC song, the RED song and we did some counting at our circle time. When we counted today, we used a move & count strategy. We have to move one item for each number we say. This strategy helps us learn about one to one correspondence.

We completed our calendar lesson in the afternoon. We also sang the Learning Letter Sounds songs. It's a fun song with a nice island beat!

Miss Kathy shared a book about animals that live Over In The Meadow. We did some counting along with this book and had fun trying the different animal moves. We will read a couple of similar books tomorrow and Friday. We will see animals Way Out In The Desert and Somewhere in the Ocean.
Miss Julie helped us to role play Hickory, Dickory, Dock! Just look at those mice!

In the afternoon, we completed the centers that we didn't get time to finish from last week. Some children worked with Miss Julie while the others wrote the numerals on a clock face.


We had another fun day learning together!

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