Thursday, January 9, 2014

Here's what happened at school today!
Our morning started with puzzle time! The afternoon students also had book time and name writing.


These boys were very responsible in the book corner today!
 Miss Kathy was so proud!

We sang our circle songs in the morning. We are adding If You're Happy and You Know It to our repetoire. We practiced listening, following directions, spatial concepts and counting with the shakey eggs in the  morning. The eggs are fun!

It makes Miss Kathy happy when we all sing together!

Can you shake your egg "BESIDE" your ear?

Can you shake your egg ABOVE your head?
In the afternoon the students led the completion of the calendar lesson.
We also sang our songs! 
In the morning, Miss Kathy drew some shapes and then turned them into a surprise! Then we all practiced our early writing of a cross and circle. One of our friends made a circle, square & triangle!

In the afternoon, we we sang a song called Where Do You Start Your Letters. The answer is at the TOP! We worked on coreectly forming the capital letter "G" in our school books.

Everyone was so happy when we found out we were going to
play outside on the playground.

In the afternoon we learned how to play the ever popular game of Duck, Duck, Goose! imagine how fun this was to teach 14 four and five year olds, most who had never played this before, to play this game. I certainly got my daily quota of laughs!! I think this game was a big hit!

We had our snack at the picnic table!
What a fun day!!


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