Tuesday, January 21, 2014

**We had a camera snafoo this afternoon. I apologize that there are no photos from our afternoon class. Hopefully, we can round up another camera for tomorrow :) **

Here's the scoop on what we did today...
Our day began by exploring the wooden lines and curves or the light table.

We sang our morning circle songs and counted some beautiful jewels that we found in a treasure chest!

We completed the calendar in the afternoon and sang our new song about the letter sounds.
We moved through 3 centers today.
The story and movement center, with Miss Cindy and Miss Vicki, was fun as we went around the mulberry bush, jumped up and down on the mini-trampoline and hopped on one foot!

Miss Elaine brought Floam for us to work to form shapes and letters.

In Miss Kathy's center we played different games. Some of us played the color game, while others played an alphabet matching game. In the afternoon, we ordered numbers and played the What's missing game.

It is always fun to return to class on Tuesday to learn with our friends!

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