Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Whose shoe?
***Thank you to everyone that sent in snack money!***
We started our day using our imagination to build all sorts of things with blocks. We used little blocks, big blocks, Lego's and Duplo blocks! It was fun!

The afternoon class also used wooden lines and curves to build capital letters.

We sang our circle songs and completed calendar.


Clap those crazies out!

Yawn those sleepies out!
Miss Julie read a book that had all kinds of shoes in it. We tried to figure out "WHO" the shoes belonged to. There were shoes for running, playing baseball, ballet dancing, even shoes for a horse!

Next, we each took off one of our shoes and put them in a basket. Everyone was surprised that their teacher really wanted them to take their shoes off! We played a game called, "Whose shoes?".
Working on the sign for shoes.


Miss Melani came to practice our yoga posses with us.

Miss Melani also brought some fun, colorful stepping stones for us to try walking over. It was tricky. We had to practice balancing.

Free play time is always fun!

The cantaloupe we ate for snack was delicious!!

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