Thursday, October 3, 2013

Picture Day!!
This was a new experience for many of the children. We were in two rooms on campus that we have never been in before. There were screens, lights and reflective umbrellas. Some of the younger children were unsure, but most of the older children didn't seem to mind. The photographers were kind & patient. I am hoping we will all be happy with our pictures. If you purchased a packet and are not happy, please take out the class picture to keep, and return the individual photos. Your child will be able to try again on re-take day. I do not have the expected date for photos to arrive or re-take day yet.
We completed our morning circle songs and calendar activities.
Officer Ed stopped in to say hello to the morning class.
The afternoon class did a little pattern work. We sang the pattern song -
a pattern puts things in an order. It repeats again and again.
Red, green, yellow...

Can you tell what our pattern is here?
Miss Kathy read a book about a sock that talked. The sock was sad that it would not be worn because it lost its match. It looked everywhere
and finally found his match!
The children all received one sock with a pattern already colored on it. They had to color a blank sock to match the patterns so it made a matching pair.

The morning students also had time to play a matching game.

It was a busy day!!

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