Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today started with playdoh fun! We worked with our fingers and hands to build our strength. Everyone likes playdoh!


We sang our circle songs and worked with the color orange, in the morning. Miss Kathy shared a book about 5 little pumpkins. Then we acted out the story with the felt board! We will have fun learning this chant over the next week.

Signing the word, "orange"
The afternoon class completed the calendar. Miss Kathy shared a story about how pumpkins grow.
Miss Julie brought a fun activity for us. We made jack-o-lanterns from paper! We talked about how our jack-o-lantern was feeling. We found that if we placed the mouth one way, our jack looked happy. If we turned the smile upside down, our jack could look sad or mad.




We had fun moving! We walked the big, chalk spider web and jumped over the spiders! We also clapped some bubbles!


Our snack was peanut butter & tortillas. Of course, we had to spread our own peanut butter. We also had some sliced cucumbers with ranch dressing. The cucumbers received a mixed review!

You can click on any picture to enlarge it!

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