Thursday, November 13, 2014

We continued to work on our whole group, and individual,
transportation collages. They are looking great. Watch for your child
to bring their individual project home tomorrow. Check the blog tomorrow
 for a photo of our group projects!


We spent time exploring the Four Square materials. In the morning we counted, solved puzzles and made big rectangles from smaller pieces. The afternoon kids enjoyed working together to build a big design!

The morning circle had us singing the ABC's and a couple of color songs. We also worked on continuing simple patterns using our transportation cards. We made one that read "bus, bike, bus, bike...." and another read "car, airplane, car, airplane...". I am impressed with how well everyone did making patterns!

In the afternoon we also sang our songs and made patterns. Our patterns
 were a little trickier than in the morning! We made one that read, "car,
 train, bike, car, train, bike...". Another read, "bus, bus, airplane,
airplane, bus, bus, airplane, airplane...". We played a game called, "WHERE is the purple fish?" No one could say a place that had already been said. They got very creative!

Miss Kathy read a silly book about dogs that are going places.
The morning kids were captivated by this book!
The afternoon kids made some great predictions!

WHO has read this book before?
Next, we worked with counting and numerals. The morning class worked with numerals to 5 and we went to 10 in the afternoon. We counted pictures of colored squares, matched them to sets of real colored squares and then discovered what the numeral looked like to tell how many altogether.

The morning class had time for free play.
 Dress up was a popular choice this morning!



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