Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Raining hearts?
We started our day with outdoor play & friends...good combination!

We could see & hear the dump trucks working at the new park this morning!


Our morning circle was full of learning songs and name work.
Afternoon circle time was calendar learning.
Miss Kathy shared a story about what Cornelia Augusta did
when it rained hearts!
Then Miss Kathy showed us some hearts she collected from a rain storm. There were many different colors and sizes.
The morning class made patterns with their hearts. They colored some hearts on paper to match the patterns they had built.

In the afternoon the kids worked in teams to count hearts. Then they wrote the correct numeral on a paper. It required them to work with a small group, read color words, count and write numerals. It was a lot of work but they did well and we all had fun!

Another fun day at school!

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