Thursday, February 19, 2015

We began our day by bringing back an old friend...
Mat Man!
We worked as a team to make Mat Man, using lines and curves.
Then everyone drew their own Mat Man.



We enjoyed singing our circle songs and dancing The Freeze.
We used the whisper phones to practice our counting skills.
The afternoon class also completed calendar.


Miss Kathy shared a story about what many different animals do
to show they are happy.

The morning class played the Super Duper game.
Super Duper 1 - 2 - 3,
Can you tap your name for me?
We tap the stick for each syllable of our names.

Next, we each got a box with the letters of our name on different
color and shaped paper.

In the afternoon, we played a game based on the book we read. In two smaller groups we each pulled a paper from a box and read (with much support) the directions to our friends. The directions told us all what to do to show we are happy. The directions were the same as what was in the book. We used our letter sound knowledge to figure out the words. Nice work, kids!
There was even a few minutes of free play in the afternoon!

We slurped our applesauce from a straw at snack!
Another fun & productive day! 

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