Thursday, February 5, 2015

We started our day working our fine motor and pre-writing skills.
 The morning class had fun making crayon rubbings. You can do this at
home, too. Take a textured shape, maybe, from a greeting card or
store purchased. You can also cut out a shape from heavy paper. Put
 your shape under a piece of paper (we use copy/printer paper) and
hold or tape down. Take the paper wrap off of a crayon, lay the crayon
 down flat (this is hard for the little ones because they want to hold it
 upright) and rub! Have fun!

The afternoon class watched a demonstration on drawing hearts.
 We thought about the letter sounds that we hear in the word heart
and wrote them! We had fun drawing!

After we sang our circle songs, the morning class worked with shapes. We had fun pointing the ABC letters as we sang our alphabet song.

The afternoon class completed the calendar lesson &
enjoyed a dance break.

The morning class learned a little about Valentine's Day when Miss Kathy read a book about how Mouse made cards for his friends.
In the afternoon Miss Kathy shared a story about what happened
when Froggy had his first kiss!
"Ewww!" "Gross!" "Yuck!"

The morning class worked in small groups on
color skills or the alphabet. They joined their group by
finding the kids with cards that were the same.

The afternoon class worked in small groups on capital and lower
case letters and early literacy skills. They joined their groups by
 finding the friends with cards that went together.

We celebrated with the birthday girl this afternoon!
Happy birthday!
We were busy and we had fun!
REMINDER...registration packets are due tomorrow!

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