Thursday, January 15, 2015

Chicken soup with silly vegetables...
We started our day by warming up our fingers as we pulled small beads
 out of putty. We also spent some time working with the wooden lines
 and curves. In the morning, we made big and little circles and triangles.
The afternoon class built capital letters, made snowmen & wrote their names.

After we sang our morning circle songs and we counted snowflakes, using the
move and count strategy. Then we matched a mitten to each snowflake
 and learned about one to one correspondence.
In the afternoon we sang our songs and completed the calendar. The kids are getting better at pointing under each letter as we sing it. Then we like to have a little fun and find letters that make the initial sound in words. Miss Kathy thinks of a word and the kids point to the letter they think makes that initial sound. We are pretty good with several sounds already!
It was time to move. We danced The Freeze!
We had a fun story about a frog that wanted to play in the snow. Boy, there sure are lots of clothes to wear to stay warm in the snow!
The afternoon kids sat for story in a new way today-kindergarten style!
That means that you can sit flat on your bottom anywhere on the rug.
 If you can't see the book because someone is in front of you, you are
not allowed to call out that you can't see, you simply scoot a little one
way or the other until you can see. We talked about not sitting next to
someone that might make you want to talk and miss the story.
Miss Cindy & Miss Pam had fun working with their groups, in the morning and afternoon, to make some silly soup to warm us up after playing in the snow. The teacher said a silly version of a vegetable and we were guessing which vegetable to put in the soup. The silly word was a rhyme! (Parrot for carrot.)

Next everyone got to cut out some pictures and glue them next to the
word that rhymed. Some of us are rhyming champions!

We had a fun time as we learned with our friends today!
Several children are sick. please, watch your child to make sure they are
well to come to school. We learn to share at school, but we don't like
 to share germs!

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