Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Where is it??
We had so much fun working our fingers with the beads & cubes
when we arrived. It helps us get ready to learn.

After we completed our circle songs and calendar time, Miss Melani came to lead us in Yoga. We are really learning the poses & getting stronger.

Miss Julie shared a wordless book today.

What critters do you see?
Where is it?
It had many critters, including insects, in the garden. We tried to find, and use our words, to tell where the critters were. We continued, with help from Samantha, to describe where, using only words.

Samantha is ON Miss Julie.

Samantha is NEXT TO or BESIDE Miss Julie.

Samantha is BETWEEN Miss Julie & Miss Kathy.

The morning class had a paper that helped us practice using those postional words (under, above, behind, beside...). We had to cut, listen, glue and color our papers.

We enjoyed eating apples like big kids. We each got a half, with skin on, and learned that we can it it by taking bites. We didn't even need to peel it! We also had some grapes this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those tall towers! And some kids even were able to make patterns in it. Grapes. Nom nom nom.
