Thursday, April 11, 2013

What kind of bug is that?
First, I would like to apologize about yesterdays blog. I had it almost ready to go, then was sidetracked after school and did not finish. As many of you know, I have been pretty swamped with meetings (5 this week...) Thanks for understanding.

We started our day studying different kinds of bugs using our magnifying glasses. We looked to see if it had wings and how many legs. Did you know the grown up word for bugs is insects? Did you know insects have 6 legs?
We do!

After circle and calendar, we checked on our caterpillars. Some of them are preparing to form their chrysalis! We can tell because they attach thenselves to the top of the container with silk that they spin. Their bodies curl up on the end, like a letter J. We will have to be careful not to disturb them at the beginning of this process.

We had a blast with the big parachute today! Boy, does it take a lot of self discipline to listen to directions with the parachute...

Miss Kathy read a book about different kinds of bugs. We had to listen to clues and try to figure out which bug it was describing.

We learned that ants can carry things twice as big as they are...that's hard for humans!
We learned that bees do a dance to tell the other bees where to find the best flowers!

In the morning we practiced our counting and numeral recognition.

Our snack was apples and veggie straws.


  1. Great pictures, love the one of Abi with the oooo face. Parachute play is so much fun and looks like the kids loved it.

  2. These are great pictures! Looks like a fun day. I'm sure Ben loved looking at those bugs!

  3. The colors really made great pictures. I love the one of Brian examining the bugs in the light table.
