Friday, May 15, 2015


We started our day in our favorite way...


This morning we had some very special guests!
 Cowboy Chris & Cowgirl Ethnee!

They showed us their bass and guitar. Then they shared two singing stories with us. We joined i with some cowboy words, "Yippee Ki Yee!"
It was very exciting!


Thanks to Griffon's Mom and Dad for a super fun time!

The afternoon class completed calendar and worked with the alphabet.

Miss Kathy shared a fun story about what you might say when you see different types of animals or other critters; a prickly porcupine, a spooky spider or a cuddly kitten. The kids had some fun response!


Miss Julie and her afternoon groups completed their study about feelings.

Miss Kathy and her morning group made a great Mat Man.

Ballerina Mat Man standing on his toes!

Miss Kathy and her afternoon group completed an initial sound sort using the letter sounds for M, B & S. My heart is full as I watched each child confidently & independently complete this activity with success...
My job is done - they are ready for kindergarten!

Happy Weekend
Please, RSVP if you plan to attend our Wednesday celebration.

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