Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Where do plants come from?
We are going to be studying about seeds and the many wonderful things that grow from them!
Our morning started with free exploration of a variety of manipulatives. It's fun to work with our friends.

We sang our ABC song in the morning and
 completed a quick calendar lesson in the afternoon.
 We wrote our names in the afternoon.

Miss Kathy shared a book about what happened when some kids planted some seeds. We learned that many foods we eat are grown from a seed! Each kind of plant has its own seed. If I plant a carrot seed, a carrot will grow!
Miss Elaine had us work as a team to pass a beanbag. We had to be ready with our hands, watch as the bean bag came around the circle and pass it to our neighbor. We crossed our midlines and listened closely for directions.
Miss Cindy helped us move our bodies. We jumped on the mini-trampoline, jumped in and out of circles and rocked with a friend on the boat.

In the morning, Miss Kathy had some flowers for us to water. We had to follow the dotted lines from the watering can, down to the flowers. We had to pay close attention so we could stay on the lines.

In the afternoon, we each had 12 flowers on a paper. We numbered each flower. We will work more with these flowers later in the week.
It is always great to get back to school and have fun learning with our friends!

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