Friday, April 11, 2014

We made beautiful sticky art this morning. We have to listen as the teacher tells us which shape to look for first ("Find the little, yellow triangle.") After we got our geometric shapes on the sticky contact paper, we got to put on some fun spring shapes
to complete our creations!

We had free choice in the afternoon when we arrived. We could choose blocks, cars, kitchen or outside bike and wagon! We love free play with our friends!

Mirror, mirror,on the shelf...

We had a busy circle in the morning. We sang the ABC song & our shape song. We counted & worked with spatial concepts with the shakey eggs.

In the afternoon, we completed the calendar. We also worked on matching lower case alphabet letters to the capital letters that we ordered, in the chart, yesterday.

For movement today, we worked on climbing up & down the stairs. We focused on one foot on one step and safety.

Miss Kathy read a book about a dog who wanted a bone this morning. We looked at a couple of dog bone treats & decided that the dogs can have them, because they
 would taste yucky to us.
In the afternoon, Miss Kathy shared a book about some animals that tried to get out of the rain by squeezing into the dogs house. We all helped read the repeating line of, "Move over, Rover!" One of our friends noticed that the book had rhyming words!
Miss Julie played a game with us about the Brown Bear book. We each had an
animal and had to tell what we saw.

In the afternoon, we completed another sound sort. This time we named & sorted pictures by the initial sounds of H & L.

It was a fun Friday with our friends!!

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