Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Learning with our friends...
Our day began with a choice of several fine motor manipulative activities. We built with blocks & cubes, put pennies in an owl and dinosaur penny bank and played the alligator game!

We worked on writing our names in the afternoon and we got to color a picture of someone we love. Then we wrote their names by using what we know about letter sounds.

We sang the ABC's and our shape song in the morning.

We completed the calendar lesson & reviewed how the write the numerals to 10!
Miss Kathy shared a book about a dog and his busy day. Then we had fun pretending to be that dog. We tried running, hopping and swimming. Miss Cindy helped us have fun!


In the morning, Miss Elaine brought some funny cows that shot out soft, little balls from its' mouth, if we squeezed them hard enough. What fun!

In the morning, we all practiced cutting with scissors. We  cut out the letters of our names and then, just like a puzzle, we practiced ordering the letters
 to spell our names.

In the afternoon, we practiced writing the numerals on small
 whiteboards with Miss Kathy.

There was a little time to play with our friends before we went home.



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