Wednesday, April 16, 2014

In the morning we had fun exploring colors & stinging beads.

In the afternoon, we enjoyed exploring letters & completing rhyming puzzles. We also wrote our names. A few of the children are able to write their first & last names independently now...WOW!!!

Everyone painted a brown, half circle today. We will use it for a fun project later this week.

In the morning, we sang our alphabet song & counted into the whisper phones. We had fun shaking our sillies out!

This afternoon, the children taught the calendar.

Miss Kathy had a very cool poster. We looked at pictures of different eggs. Some were very small and some were very big. We tried to guess which oviparous animal was inside. Then we held the poster up to the light and we could see the little animal inside the egg.
Miss Melani brought a new obstacle course that really had us hopping!

In the morning, Miss Julie had a sad story. She had some pretty colored eggs that she dropped. They broke. We helped Miss Julie put her eggs back together. We told her which egg we put together ("It was a big, green egg.")

In the afternoon, Miss Julie had a riddle game. We listened to clues about different oviparous animals that might be inside each egg.
We had a fun day learning together!

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