Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!
Our morning started with puzzles.
Miss Kathy also worked on cutting with some children.


In the afternoon, we started by writing our names and then we were asked to draw a picture. Our picture could be anything we wanted to draw. Then Miss Kathy asked us to write a word to tell about our picture. Wow, that was a little tricky because we don't know how to spell yet. Miss Kathy told us to say the word & listen for some sounds that we might know and write the letter for the sounds. Well, we did a pretty nice job! We liked drawing and will try this again.
The morning class sang our songs at circle.

 We were amazed to see so many robots in class today!
We also discovered that we could make a nice pattern with
ourselves this morning.
Can you see our pattern?
The afternoon class completed calendar.

Miss Kathy read a book about some things that happen in winter. Where, oh where, do the caterpillars go, when winter comes and the cold wind blows?

Miss Melani came to do yoga with us. She brought us a new obstacle course. We tip-toed on hearts, walked through some snow, jumped in and out of a big heart, stepped on the stepping stones and rolled down the wedge! FUN!!

Miss Julie brought some new friends for us to meet. They were scared, happy, sad & mad. She told us some stories, as she drew pictures for the stories. We had to listen and decide how the person in the story was feeling. We took turns drawing in the face to show the feeling. We want to do this again!!

We enjoyed our snacks and it was time to go home!

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