Wednesday, February 26, 2014

We Love Wednesdays!!
We began our day with one of our favorite activities...the sensory tubs. We explored in dry oatmeal, rice, flour & a fun mix of corn starch & water, called oobleck. We could take a turn pulling & riding in the wagon and riding the trike. In the afternoon we also could choose to build with the Lego's.


We sang & counted in our morning circle.

We completed the calendar in the afternoon. We also sang about the sounds letters make and counted.
Miss Kathy read a fun rhyming book. It made us wonder what
animals are really saying.

Miss Melani led us through a fun obstacle course.


Miss Julie showed us a short video & had us play a game with
"big" & "little". In the afternoon Miss Julie read a story with many spatial concepts in it.

In the afternoon we also worked on our alphabet fluency. We identified, ordered & matched capital and lower case letters.

Wednesdays are wonderful!

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