Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!
Our day began exploring at the light table and working puzzles with our friends.

We sang our morning songs.
We completed calendar in the afternoon.
Miss Elaine brought some fun dot painting for us. We drew shapes and then went along the lines with the dot paint. We liked using this paint. We had to use good control to put the dots on the lines.
Miss Cindy & Miss Vicki shared a book about different ways we can move. We tried some of the moves. We also had a blast crawling through a cloth tunnel!

We worked our fine motor muscles as we opened the tag bags in the morning. We counted the items that were inside the bags. We also made a pattern with the two colors of objects.
In the afternoon we had fun using the whiteboards & dry erase markers to practice writing numbers.

We ate some yummy, fresh blueberries for snack!  

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