Thursday, February 28, 2013

Busy day...
We warmed up our fingers and got ready to learn by working on the lacing cards. Good fine motor, visual perception & problem solving work!


Ms. Shari led circle and calendar time today, while Ms. Kathy called
 each of us back to check on our progress.

 Ms. Shari read a great ABC book in the morning & a funny rhyming
book in the afternoon.

The morning class worked in small groups on matching, naming & ordering the capital letters. The afternoon class worked on finding pairs of words that rhyme. These are fun skills that you can work on at home, too. Find a good ABC book to share. Read a book with rhymes. When you get to the last word, that rhymes, don't say it. Pause and see if your child can fill in the blank. If your child is having difficulty coming up with the rhyme, you can stretch out the beginning sound of the word. Then I always go back and say the two rhyming words together so they can hear the rhyme one more time. It's fun!

We had yummy, juicy oranges for snack.
 Some thought they should wear a hat!!


Please complete & return registration packets, if one was sent home with your child. They are for all students returning to Copper Creek School next year for preschool or kindergarten. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We started our day exploring math concepts using the Four Squares More Squares. We learn about shapes, spatial concepts, counting, matching, sorting & visual perception. It's geometry!


Miss Shari led circle & claendar time today. Miss Kathy read a fun alphabet/rhyming book today. It led to much discussion...

Miss Melanie brought some fun riding toys today. Good work for our large muscle strength & coordination AND it was lots of fun!





In the morning we worked on matching,naming and ordering
the capital letters.


In the afternoon we learned a new song about the ants, the bugs and the bees. Tomorrow we will complete a couple of pages in our school books
about the ants, bugs & bees.

For snack today we had crinkle cut carrots, chees sticks and pretzels. Then we said farewell to our snowfamiliy and took our creations home.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Well, an extra long weekend was just what we needed for everyone to get healthy!
We had perfect attendance today!!
We started our day working with bean bag passing. It is a great way to work cooperatively with our friends. We also work on crossing the midline of our body. That is important for success in writing and reading.

Miss Cindy led circle and calendar today.
We worked our muscles with some strengthening exercises.

 The morning class practiced drawing some shapes and the afternoon class worked on writing the letter T.

We ended our day with one of our favorite snacks...veggie straws!