Friday, January 25, 2013

Fantastic Friday...
First of all, thank you for sending in these very creative snowmen. We have enjoyed looking at our snow family! It's not too late to send yours in.

We had fun warming up our fingers & getting ready to learn with tops & wind up toys. We have a new wind up. It's a seal with a ball. It spins around and makes us laugh! Afternoon kids worked on name writing.


We all had fun working on our ball skills. We practiced throwing, catching & kicking. We tried to step & kick, instead of kicking from a stand still.


We enjoyed listening to a story on tape. It had soothing music in the background & beautiful illustrations. It was a story about a Momma Bear & her cub throughout a year.

This poster was see through. When we held it up to a light,
we could see the animals that were hibernating under the snow!
We made sure we had time to play outside today!
We took our snack outside, too!

Our cheese was shaped like a familiar mouse character!

More crackers, please!

Have a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Ben has made so much progress writing his name! He can even write most of his last name by himself now. Wow! Thanks for all of your hard work with him!
