Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What's this?
A seed!
We started our morning by exploring blocks and beads.
 We have fun working with our friends!

In the afternoon we started with some writing. We wrote our names and traced all 26 capital letters!
We sang our morning songs and completed a quick calendar in the afternoon.

Miss Kathy shared a fun book about a little girl, a bird and a cat. They found something and decided to plant it...it grew into a big sunflower!
Miss Elaine had us get very messy! We painted our hands...yes, our hands. Then we put our hands on paper, added a stem and leaves, and turned our hands into flowers!

Miss Kathy shared lots of cool seeds that she found when she took a walk. There were many different shapes, colors and sizes! We became scientists and used magnifying glasses to study all the seeds. Very interesting!!

We found some interesting seeds under this tree at school!
We had 2 birthday kings this morning! Happy Birthday!!
We had some free choice time today!

Magnifying glassses are pretty fun!

This mail carrier could read all his classmates names!!

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