Thursday, May 15, 2014

Best day ever!!!!
Our blog will be a little different today. I will tell you about our day and then I will post LOTS of pictures from our exciting day!
We had special visitors today. I'm sure you have already heard all about it. The firefighters brought the firetruck to show us! They showed us all around the truck, showed us some of their tools, dressed in all their gear and let us inside the truck! They told us that if they ever are in their house during a fire, that they should not be scared of them with all of their gear on. They put on their masks and talked so we could hear what it sounds like. We thought he sounded like Darth Vader! They said that they would probably be yelling for us and that we are not in trouble. They just want us to hear them One more important thing was to show your child how to dial 911!
Then we came back inside and picked our favorite flower. We transplanted it into our decorated clay pot. They are on the shelf to decorate our class room for the celebration tomorrow. We can take our flower home tomorrow!
Enjoy the pictures and we are looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!
MORNING CLASS-with firefighters

I love my Daddy!

AFTERNOON CLASS-with firefighters
We even got to turn the hose on and squirt water!

Both classes planting the flowers.

I hope you enjoyed our pictures. We look forward to celebrating with you tomorrow!
Tomorrow will be the last blog of this year.


  1. Great pictures. I will be sad to see the blog end. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love being able to come on here every day to see what you are doing with the kids. You have done an amazing job keeping up with the blog every day for the last 2 years. The kindergarten teacher has big shoes to fill. I know how much Abi has loved coming to school and looking at the pictures on here. We may look again over the summer at the memories you have created. You are going to be missed. So again thank you and god bless you for always you will be in our hearts,

  2. Very well said Marsha. We love looking at the blog together everyday. It means a lot to us all the effort you put into each lesson and your commitment to share it with the parents.

  3. WOW! Best day ever!!! is right. Korben was so excited yesterday he was telling me all about his day with the firemen. The fireman hat was a huge hit too. I love to see all the children so excited and happy. All of you ladies do such a WONDERFUL job each and everyday with all the children. They are so fortunate to have all of you in their lives. Thank you for ALL that you do!
