Friday, May 3, 2013

Fun Friday!

We began our day by stringing beads or creating designs with blocks.

A few students had their hearing screened. They were very good listeners for the audiologists!

The afternoon class also wrote their names.

We sang our songs in circle and the afternoon kids led calendar again!

 Miss Kathy told us some interesting facts about flies. They have very big eyes that see the world a little differently than we do. We looked through some toys that gave us a little idea what they might see. A fly has such big eyes that it can see all around & that's why they are so hard to swat or catch.
Then she read a fun, big book where we all helped say the repeating lines of "Shoo fly, Shoo fly, Shoooo!"

Miss Julie helped us with a fun & interactive puppet show. The audience asked the insect puppeteers questions and they gave great answers. Some popular questions were, "Where do you live?" and, "What do you eat?"

The morning class also had a chance to practice drawing their shapes & writing their names.

We enjoyed cuties & cookies for snack.
Have a nice weekend!
I appreciate all of you that check our class blog. Please, take a minute & let me know who you are by writing a comment, with your name & relationship to our class, in the comment section that follows :)


  1. I'm Mason's mom, Jackie. I am so appreciative to you for keeping up this blog. We try to do activities at home that go with what Mason is learning in class.

  2. Hello Kathy, thank you for letting me join in the fun activities at school Abi loves when I can come to school with her and it gives us some Mommy daughter time. So Thx Marsha

  3. The puppet show looks like so much fun! And yeah for the calendar. We are always getting updates on which day and month it is (along with a count down to his birthday.)
