Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It was a RED kind of day...
Our day began with puzzle work. We work our visual perception and
fine motor skills with puzzles. We also enjoy conversations with
our friends as we work puzzles.

During circle time we are learning a new song. It's The Red Song. It will help us learn about the color red, how to say & sign it and some of us will learn to read the word! We will sing it everyday this week.
 (I wonder what color we will sing about next week.)
We had fun standing on one foot,too, as we work on our motor skills. We also had fun swinging our scarves fast and slowly!
Miss Kathy shared a book about how we each are special. It was an alphabet book, too!
In the morning, we made some nice vertical and horizontal lines with a red crayon. We focused on the following words: line, top, bottom and across. Then we picked out our favorite animal stickers and peeled them off and put
 them on our papers.

In the afternoon, we decided which pictures on our paper should be red. We colored and cut the red pictures. Tomorrow we will glue them
 onto another paper.

We really enjoyed our snack today. We spread peanut butter on tortillas...YUM! The juicy grapes helped our snack end on a sweet note.
Silly friends!

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