Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It was great to be back to school with all our friends! Everyone was happy & ready to learn!
(remember you can enlarge the pictures if you click on them.)

We started our day by warming up our fingers in with the putty. We had to pinch &
pull it to find hidden toys inside.

Then we practiced passing the bean bags in our circles. We have to keep our eyes
watching the bean bag so we are ready when it gets to us. We also get to practice crossing
 our body midline as we pass the bags.

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We had fun singing our familiar circle songs and the afternoon class completed the calendar work.
Miss Kathy read a book about the four seasons. It's spring now!

It's windy in the spring!

The morning class practiced building shapes with the wooden pieces. Then we got to draw the shapes on small slates. we used our wet-dry-try startegy for some of the trickier shapes.

The afternoon class built several letters using the wood pieces. We know so much about letters that Miss Kathy didn't have to tell us the letter names, she told us to write the letter from the sounds!

We enjoyed having a new friend join our morning class. Today is his 3rd birthday & he brought a favorite snack to share with his new friends.
 Happy Birthday, Mason!!

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