Thursday, December 6, 2012

Busy afternoon...
We had so much to do today. We didn't get to finish everything because we had a fire drill. We heard a long bell and lined up at the door. Everyone in the whole school walked outside, quietly, and waited for the all clear signal. That was interesting!

We made some Christmas rubbings.They are fun and pretty. We used some old embossed Christmas cards, put a piece of paper on top and laid a crayon on the paper. Then we rubbed the crayon back & forth to make the design show. It is tricky to keep the crayon laying down.

At circle, we practiced singing Jingle Bells and Up On The Housetop. You may want to brush up on the words to those songs, because we will be singing them at our sing-along on December 20. Look in backpacks today for your invitation.


We practiced tossing a ball underhand, catching it and kicking it. It was fun!

Oops...better try with 2 hands!

Miss Kathy read a story about a little bear getting ready for Christmas. We asked the kids, "Who has a tree at home?" Well, as you can see, most of us do and are happy about it!!

We began a number writing activity, but ran out of time... Well, I guess there's always tomorrow!

Have a nice evening!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping Ben eat his snack! I know that isn't ideal, but he literally would NOT eat before he left.

    Ben loved the Christmas rubbings and was very happy to show them off. He also got out the note in his backpack and held it out like he was reading it to me and said, "It says, parents come, and we sing Christmas songs, and make cookies with ice cream on top, and parents come to our class." He is obviously excited! It will be fun to see.

