Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Busy day...
We started our day by doing crayon rubbings of capital letters. They looked great. It was tricky to keep the crayons laying down. In circle we had a surprise visitor...a caterpillar! Miss Kathy found it walking through the school hall! It was a big caterpillar. We all enjoyed watching it crawl. Some of us were even brave enough to let it crawl on our hands!!

It tickles!

We all laughed as the caterpillar walked across Zac's talker. It made the talker say "Sunday" & "September". Silly caterpillar, today is Wednesday in November...

Our story today was about what the Pilgrim & Indian children did...
they had many chores.

                     Miss Kathy taught us a chant, with hand motions, about the     long trip the Pilgrims made across the ocean.

The ship goes sailing on the sea,
she sails for you,
she sails for me.

The waves go up,
the waves go down,
the waves go all around.

And the lightening flashed,
and the thunder crashed.
And the ship... (repeat)

Miss Melanie came today and brought us a fun obstacle course. We jumped, climbed up & down, balanced, & crawled througha tunnel like a caterpillar!

We noticed that RED was a popular color with the boys in the morning!

We played a fishing game using  rhyming words with Miss Julie and
the afternoon kids practiced writing a capital L.

It was a busy day, but we had fun! 

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