Friday, September 28, 2012


We planted carrots & radishes. The seeds were very tiny. We had to pinch a few seeds in our fingers, then sprinkle them into the line in the soil. Then we gave them water & hoped the sun would peek through the clouds. Now we will wait, & wait, & wait....

After all that hard work, we needed a snack. We enjoyed garden grown strawberries & snap peas, that had seeds on & inside of them. We were lucky to have some quality play time today, too! What a great day!

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Thanks so much for the blogs and pictures. It really helps me feel connected to what goes on, and helps me talk to Ben about it. He has been talking all about seeds, and he said he liked the snap peas, which is a big surprise! (Any veggies he eats is a major bonus.) Thanks for all your hard work! This is awesome.

    Melanie Barrett
