Friday, September 28, 2012


We planted carrots & radishes. The seeds were very tiny. We had to pinch a few seeds in our fingers, then sprinkle them into the line in the soil. Then we gave them water & hoped the sun would peek through the clouds. Now we will wait, & wait, & wait....

After all that hard work, we needed a snack. We enjoyed garden grown strawberries & snap peas, that had seeds on & inside of them. We were lucky to have some quality play time today, too! What a great day!

Have a wonderful weekend!

This morning the children planted peas & endamame. They had to poke a hole with a finger & put the seed in. Then the had to cover it with soil and give it water. Now we have to wait & wait & wait...







Good Luck to the Wildcats this weekend!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

This morning the girls showed their true colors...

sorry it's blurry, but I couldn't resist these shirts!

Today we read a story about a surprise garden...

                                     ...and tomorrow we will be planting our seeds!!

We talked about what plants need to grow. Ms. Kathy wrote the words and we put them in order in a chart.

We all practiced walking up & down the stairs today. It was tricky trying to use only one foot on each step.

We had fun!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This morning we had fun singing the ABC song into a microphone and the special phones.

Then, as we learned more about seeds and planting, we had to take our tools outside and prepare the soil for planting!

I was so proud of the beautiful line the afternoon class made!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today we began our study of growing plants. We talked about seeds. And of course, if you are going to plant seeds, you better practice digging in the dirt... We had fun!

Philip & Bryan check out the rice first with Ms.Yvonne.

Mariah & Abi

Ryder & Brandon with Ms. Michelle.

Philip & Patrick dig it!

Boys will be boys!

This is cool!

You really want me to play in the dirt?

This is fun!

Hailey & Ms. Linda check out the rice.